Training Courses

Has the topic of professional alloy wheel refurbishment convinced you and have you purchased the WheelDoctor after consulting our experts – then we will teach you how to work with it and build up a new, attractive line of business.
The WheelDoctor training course lasts two to three days. The practical part gives intensive training in the handling of the machine and the alloy wheel refurbishment according to the limit value catalogue. The theory part deals, among other things, with the imparting of technical knowledge and workshop calculation.
Since strict specification exist regarding what is and what is not allowed in alloy wheel refurbishment, only persons who have taken part in the appropriate training course and are authorised by CARTEC by a certificate may work with the WheelDoctor. With his signature, the WheelDoctor partner confirms that he follows the rules of alloy wheel refurbishment in according with the specifications in the limit value catalogue.